Contribution of Revolutionary Terrorism Represented by Bhagat Singh

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Evaluate the contribution of revolutionary terrorism represented by Bhagat Singh to the cause of India's struggle for independence.

Bhagat SinghTo get rid of the British rulers and to end exploitation Bhagat Singh was one of the youth who opted for a violent way. He led such type of revolutionists. Under Bhagat Singh's leadership in 1928 the freedom fighters established the Hindustan Republican Association. Furthermore, revolutionary activities were also undertaken under Bhagat Singh's leadership. Among them Saunder's murder and assembly bombing incident were the main. The revolutionists created a lots of hurdles for the British Government. They undertook revolutionary activities like robberies, killing of unpopular officials.

They believed in sacrifice for the cause of nation. Bhagat Singh produced the example of sacrifice for Purna Swaraj which has always been an encouragement for all Indians. Their way, especially that of the group led by Bhagat Singh created a new wave of national spirit among people when there was an environment of soothing struggle. Youth as well as other ages were inspired by his heroic acts.

He did not only created an unvisioned violence but he was really a visionary of exploitationless world order. His ideas and act inspired people as well as leaders. On the eve of his execution, even British officials like Lord Irwin was afraid that nation may rose in a huge protest. Even Ghandhiji was given an insulting welcome on his way to Karachi by showing black flags. This was a person who not only created violence but also violated the belief of British rule that they will be able to rule India easily.

Bhaghat Singh did not become popular because of his act of terrorism but because he seemed to vindicate, for the moment, the honour of Lala Lajpat Rai, and through him of the nation. He became a symbol, the act was forgotten, the symbol remained, and within a few months each town and village of the Punjab, and to a lesser extent in the rest of northern India, resounded with his name. Innumerable songs grew about him and the popularity that the man achieved was something amazing. Source:

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