Sources of Ionizing and Non-ionizing Radiations & Effects

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Sources of Ionizing and Non-ionizing Radiations & Effects on the Biotic Components of the Atmosphere

There are two types of ionizing radiation, (i) caused by particles, (ii) caused by electromagnetic rays. Atoms carry enough energy to ionize an atom or molecule in atmosphere by completely removing an electron from its orbit in both types, however. X-ray of high energy, Gamma rays, Ultra-violate rays are some of the sources of ionizing radiation. Gamma-rays of atom bombs and explosions etc. energy in cases of nuclear weapons.

American-241, Caesum-137, Cobalt-60, Idin-131 are some particle sources of ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation is any type of electromagnetic radiation that does not carry enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules by completely removing electron from their orbit. Micro-wave, Infrared, radio-wave, visible light etc. are sources of non-iodizing radiations. They are used in medical field for surgical and diagnostical approach because they are less dangerous for human health. For the stability in atmospheric balance these radiation have proved very dangerous. They cause atoms or molecules of atmospheric components ionized and so they react with other ions creasing many a types of dangerous chemicals in atmosphere.

Genetic composition of biotic organism in atmosphere is also harmed by it and then they may be transferred to dangerous form to other lives on the earth. Some conventions and protocols have been signed and are being implemented to prevent such type of radiations, recently, which could pose a great threat to the existence of life on earth.

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